
Vital Statistics

Name: Jasmine
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: ?
First Appearance (Anime): Big Trouble in Nekonron, China
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Jasmine is Raichee (Lychee)'s pet elephant and acts as her mode of transportation to the different regions of Asia. Along with Raichee, Jasmine came looking for Happosai, the man who had given the half of a scroll to Raichi's ancestors which was supposed to bring happiness. Unfortunately, the scroll had not done its job, and Raichi and Jasmine had come looking for Happosai to exact their revenge.

When Kirin, Raichi's intended bride, mistakenly kidnapped Akane, Jasmine went along with the grief-stricken Raichi to find them both. In the course of the journey, Jasmine was a good asset as well as a protector/bodyguard to Raichi, and eventually distracted one of the Seven Lucky Gods martial artists for Ranma and Raichi, making them able to go on in their quest.

Personality: Jasmine is a kind and loving pet, but can definitely get angry and mean if need be. Her fighting style was trained and perfected, and she uses her large size to great advantage. Jasmine's battle aura is so great that at full strength it envelops her form, making it look like a giant black mass of deadly force.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez